The Task Force on American Innovation urged the reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act in a letter to key lawmakers:
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Text of the letter:
The Task Force on American Innovation – a coalition of major high-tech corporations, universities and scientific societies – strongly supports reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act this year.
When the COMPETES Act was enacted in 2007, it provided the nation with a broad blueprint for strengthening the pillars of American innovation and competitiveness: increasing the nation’s commitment to basic research, strengthening STEM education, and fostering a business environment to drive innovation. These initiatives were based upon the recommendations contained in the National Academies’ report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm,” authored by a distinguished panel of educators, innovators, and scientists. Passage of COMPETES was strongly supported by leaders of both parties and received broad-based support in Congress.
Reauthorizing COMPETES will underline our nation’s commitment to policies that strengthen America’s talent pool and provide continued support for long-term basic science, ensuring that American innovators will continue to produce the discoveries that create new technologies, new industries, and high value jobs for Americans.
The companies and allied organizations that comprise the Task Force stand ready to work with you to move this legislation forward.